The offices of Student Success & Career Services offer:

  • Academic assistance for students
  • Extends disability support to students
  • Supplies current students with access to job openings
  • Assists students in their occupational pursuits

Academic Assistance for Students

Tutoring & Study groups

Tutoring is available FREE of charge to any Tabor student. Our tutoring services allow students to request tutors for any course. These students are then paired with qualified peer tutors recommended by professors or who have achieved high marks in the course. Study groups are also organized as needed.

Tutoring help can be arranged through the Student Success office. Stop by our offices in the library or email us at

To request a tutor, please fill out our Request Tutor form.

Mentoring of students

Students on academic probation meet weekly with Student Success staff to monitor their progress and to receive needed support. These meetings are essential to our mission of helping students receive the full benefits of their education at Tabor. Academic mentoring is open to all interested students.

Disability Support

Tabor College is committed to providing equal educational access for individuals with disabilities per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990/2008). Tabor will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity, or pose an undue administrative or financial burden. Tabor’s Student Success Office provides reasonable accommodations upon request) for qualified individuals with physical or learning disabilities. These resources include—but are not limited to—individualized test-taking, extended test time, note-taking, audio textbooks, physical accommodations, and individual tutoring. Students needing academic accommodations must contact Daniel Krebs, Director of Student Success, at

Disability Support FAQs

Grievance Form

On-Campus Job Opportunities

The Tabor Student Employment Network posts part-time job openings for students on campus and in the surrounding area. This resource allows current students to pursue work opportunities while attending Tabor College. Current students and alumni can access our Jobs & Internships page to view other opportunities for employment and internships.

Students do not need to be work-study eligible to obtain on-campus employment.

Each campus department hires students directly, so feel free to contact the department chair or director of the area you are interested in. There may be many openings that will not be posted.

Career Services

Individual assistance for students interested in selecting a major or career path.

Tabor College offers individual assessments and one-on-one advising to help students discover career possibilities, individual talents, and areas of interest. To schedule an advising session or to request more information, contact Tabor College’s Career Service Coordinator, Mike Barter at or (620) 947-3121 ext. 1222.

Click here for additional assistance in choosing a major.